At the discretion of the Superintendent, classes may be combined.
The Superintendent will refuse to coop, pen or have judged any ailing, unthrifty or inferior specimen.
Contestants must report by 7:30 AM Saturday. The show will be held in the Kimball Barn. Exhibitors and their dogs must enter the grounds through the Security Gate. Dogs must be shown in appropriate Fitting and Showing, and Obedience Classes. Exhibitors must enroll their dog on the Intent to Show Form by June 1st with their County Cooperative Extension Office. Health sheets including a current rabies certificate must be presented to the Superintendent prior to the show. Members are solely responsible for grooming and handling of their dogs at all times. Dogs must be at least 6 months old at the time of the show. Dogs must be kept under control when not in the show ring. Dogs in heat or who are ill are not allowed at 4H shows under any circumstances. NO electric or prong collars allowed on the show grounds. No gentle leaders will be allowed in the show ring
All New Hampshire 4H Dog Program Rules apply. Rules can be found in the NH guide for Dog Shows and the NH Guide for 4-H Dog Show Judges.
4H Dress Code: Uniform is a clean white collared dress shirt, blouse and green pants, culottes, skirt, dress shorts or jumper of appropriate length (not shorter than 2” above the knee). No T-shirts, tank tops, or athletic shorts. Long sleeves, sweaters, fleeces can be worn but must be white and patch must be placed on the outside so it is visible. No hooded sweatshirts. Any shade of green is allowed. White, black or brown clean shoe is acceptable. Members must wear a 4H insignia (patch) on the left side of their shirts or blouses.
No dog handlers shall remove any of their equipment until the show is completely over, unless time is specifically set aside for departure.
Questions will be taken from the 4H Dog Project Manuals, AKC Complete Dog Book, AKC Complete Dog Book for Kids, and the American Red Cross Pet First Aid Book. All exhibitors in the dog show must take the quiz.
CLASS | 1ST | 2ND | 3RD |
Quiz | $20 | $15 | $10 |
CLASS | 1ST | 2ND | 3RD |
SENIOR MEMBER | $20 | $15 | $10 |
INTERMEDIATE MEMBER | $20 | $15 | $10 |
JUNIOR MEMBER | $20 | $15 | $10 |
NOVICE MEMBER | $20 | $15 | $10 |
FAMILY DOG | $20 | $15 | $10 |
Fitting and Showing – Dogs to be shown on leash and judged for condition, grooming, cleanliness and other evidence of good care and handling. Member is judged on appearance, poise, alertness, attitude, and ability in leading, posing and showing dog to best advantage.
CLASS | 1ST | 2ND | 3RD |
FOSTER ASSISTANCE DOG A | $20 | $15 | $10 |
FOSTER ASSISTANCE DOG B | $20 | $15 | $10 |
SUB NOVICE A | $20 | $15 | $10 |
SUB NOVICE B | $20 | $15 | $10 |
BEGINNER NOVICE | $20 | $15 | $10 |
PRE-NOVICE | $20 | $15 | $10 |
NOVICE A | $20 | $15 | $10 |
NOVICE B | $20 | $15 | $10 |
PRE – GRADUATE NOVICE | $20 | $15 | $10 |
GRADUATE NOVICE | $20 | $15 | $10 |
OPEN A | $20 | $15 | $10 |
OPEN B | $20 | $15 | $10 |
UTILITY A | $20 | $15 | $10 |
UTILITY B | $20 | $15 | $10 |
BRACE | $20 | $15 | $10 |
TEAM | $20 | $15 | $10 |
TRICK CLASS | ROSETTE | *** | *** |
This class combines the elements of a dog’s agility, confidence and trust along with the 4H member’s control and team work with their dog over an obstacle course.
CLASS | 1ST | 2ND | 3RD |
Obstacle Course | $20 | $15 | $10 |
Jane Merrow Memorial Educational Display Award Awarded to member(s) who have the best educational display. Display will be judged on cleanliness, theme, 4H and Dog Project promotion and public education. Rosette Awarded.
Highest Overall 4-H Dog On-Lead Awarded to the handler who loses the least amount of points in Fitting and Showmanship, On-Lead, Obedience Class and the Quiz Bowl. Rosette Awarded.
Highest Overall 4-H Dog Off-Lead Awarded to the handler who loses the least amount of points in Fitting & Showmanship, Off-Lead, Obedience Class and the Quiz Bowl. Rosette Awarded.
4-H Dog Sportsmanship Award This award will be nominated by the 4H parents and members at the show. It will be awarded to the member that goes above and beyond to make the Hopkinton State Fair the best it can be for the dog exhibitors. Rosette Awarded.
- Family Dog – The 4H member brings the family dog to this class. The dog will be on display and the member will demonstrate that the dog can sit, stay, come, and walk calmly on a leash. The member will be able to discuss the dog’s home care including feeding, health, and general dog knowledge. For 8-11 year-old members only. Members entering this class may enter no other classes at the show. Members will not be allowed to continue in the Family Dog class for more than one year. Members who have shown in higher classes than Family Dog may not drop back into Family Dog classes.
- Foster Assistance Dog A – For members who are raising a service dog for the first time. Dogs will be on lead, allowed to wear appropriate equipment and score will be based on 200 points. Scoring will be based on individual organization guidelines. Members must contact show superintendent prior to the show with assistance dog organization’s training requirements.
- Foster Assistance Dog B – For members who have previously raised a service dog. Dogs will be on lead, allowed to wear appropriate equipment and score will be based on 200 points. Scoring will be based on individual organization guidelines. Members must contact show superintendent prior to the show with assistance dog organization’s training requirements.
- Sub Novice A – For members who have not previously graduated a dog from any higher level of training. The dogs in this class must not have had training beyond the beginner’s level. Dogs will be on lead and scored on the basis of 200 points. On lead will be done on the following exercises: heel on leash; stand for examination; figure 8; recall and finish; long sit (1 minute) and long down (3 minutes).
- Sub Novice B – For members who have graduated a dog from the beginner or more advanced levels of training. Dogs must not have qualified beyond the beginner class. Dogs are shown on lead. Exercises performed are: heel on leash, figure 8, stand for examination, recall, and finish, long sit (1 minute) and long down (3 minutes). Scoring for Sub Novice A and B is based on a total of 200 points.
- Beginner Novice –For member whose dogs have not shown at or beyond the Pre-novice level. Members in this class must not have showed or trained a dog beyond this level. The following exercises will be performed on lead, heal and figure eight and Sit for exam. The Sit Stay will be on leash but will be dropped on the ground. Recall will be off leash. *To view rules refer to*
- Pre-Novice – For member whose dogs have not received a qualifying score at or beyond the novice level or a CD. The following exercises will be performed on lead, heal and figure eight, The Following will be performed off leash, Heel off Leash, Stand for Exam. Recall will be off leash. Sit or down Stay, Sit Stay – Get Your Leash
- Novice A – For 4H members who have not previously graduated a dog from Novice A or B or more advanced level of training. Dogs must not have qualified beyond the Novice level or completed their CD degree. All of the exercises except the heel on leash and the figure 8 will be done off lead. Remaining exercises will be done off lead as follows: Stand for examination; heel free; recall and finish; Sit Stay – Get Your Leash long sit (1 minute) and long down (3 minutes).
- Novice B – For members who have previously graduated a dog at Novice or more advanced levels of training. Otherwise the same as Novice A.
- Pre- Graduate Novice – For members who have previously qualified a dog at the Novice course of instruction. Dogs may have earned a CD degree but not a CDX. Scored on a basis of 200 points. Heel on Leash and All other exercises will be done off lead and will include: heel free, figure 8, drop on recall, stand for examination, recall and finish, long sit (3 minutes) and long down (5 minutes) Handler Remains in ring.
- Graduate Novice – For dogs and handlers who have achieved a CD but not working a full open routine. The following exercises will be performed, Heel on leash, figure eight off leash, drop on recall, dumbbell recall, Recall over the High Jump, recall over Broad Jump, Long Down. Open to dogs who have achieved CDX. Dog that have earned 3 qualifying scores may stay at this level indefinitely
- Open A – Dogs may have earned a CD but not a CDX. Obedience work will be done entirely off lead and will include Graduate Novice Exercises plus retrieve on flat, retrieve over high jump and broad jump. Members are to bring their own jumps.
- Open B – For CD dogs with handlers who have finished at the Open level, or new handlers working dogs that have previously received CDX. Dogs that have placed at the top of this class in a previous year are expected to move up to Utility level. Not open to dogs with a UD. Members are to bring their own jumps.
- Utility A – Open to all CDX dogs and handlers. For dogs and handlers beyond Open Class level. Dogs that have earned a UD will show for Danish ribbons and premiums only. Judging will be according to the AKC Utility class. All commands given by hand signals. Members are to bring their own jumps.
- Utility B – Open to all CDX dogs and handlers. Same as Utility A. Members are to bring their own jumps.
- Brace – 2 dogs working together doing Novice obedience routine or higher with one handler. Dogs may be attached or not. Coupling device not less than 6 inches. Must be same throughout. Pair work in unison at all times. Scored on a basis of 200 points.
- Team Class – 4 dogs and handlers performing a Novice routine. All dogs must have been shown in obedience in Novice A or higher. Dogs are owner handled. Dogs on team perform simultaneously and will be judged using Novice class specifications.
- Champion Showman – First place members from the Novice, Junior, Intermediate and Senior class compete against each other.
- Trick Class – Open to all dogs being shown in show. The use of props and toys are optional. One entry per member. Tricks should be entertaining and clever, but safety of the dog and handler remains a priority. To be judged on: originality, execution, dog’s attitude while performing, and appropriateness to the age and ability of the animal and handler. One ribbon to be awarded. Entries accepted until the start of the class.
Scoring | 1ST | 2ND | 3RD |
Obedience | A. 200 to 170 | B. 169 to 150 | C. 149 and Below |
Fitting and Showing | A. 100 to 90 | B. 89 to 80 | C. 79 and Below |